A Focused Mind
The ADHD Specialty Clinic of Dr. Lauren Kacir, M.D.
Let's get focused!
Cost of Services:
Cost of Services:
The following fee structure went into effect for new patients on 1/1/2013.
The fees are charged according to a basic rate of $240/hr of Dr. Kacir's time. Additional services may add to the cost of any given appointment. The rate increased from $200.00 per hour on 1/1/2020.
Initial evaluations are 90 minutes long,costing $360.00.
Routine follow-up is $120 for a standard 30 minute appointment.
More complicated visits between 30 and 60 minutes cost $160.00
Visits that last an hour are $240.00.
Routine controlled substance prescription refills are now sent electronically. The charge is $20.00 per month. There will be an additional $5.00 charge for every special request and when the service is not prepaid. Any changes to the pharmacy or the timing of the prescription may not be possible for 3 business days after the request.
Those patients who prefer to pick up paper prescriptions must schedule appointments to do so. These appointments must be scheduled with at least 3 days' notice.
Same day appointments are rarely available, but, if made, will entail a $35.00 convenience charge when they are made.
There will be a $50.00 surcharge for appointments after 4PM.
Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express are accepted. Payment plans may be arranged ahead of time on an individual basis.
Telephone and e-mail consultation will be billed according to time and complexity.